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Using the TypeLibConverter to Customize Type Library Creation from an Assembly Part 2.

1. Introduction. 1.1 This article is a follow up from part 1. 1.2 In part 1, we presented C# code for a class library named CSTestInterfaceClass.dll in which an interface “ITestInterface” and a coclass “TestClass” is defined. 1.3 ITestInterface contains a single property “MyObject” of type object. Being of type object (a reference type) means … Continue reading

Using the TypeLibConverter to Customize Type Library Creation from an Assembly Part 1.

1. Introduction. 1.1 Creation of COM type libraries from an assembly with COM-visible constructs (e.g. classes, interfaces, etc) is usually performed using REGASM.EXE or TLBEXP.EXE. 1.2 However, these tools provide standardized assembly to type library type transformations which cannot be customized. 1.3 To customize type library creation, the .NET framework provides the TypeLibConverter class. 1.4 … Continue reading